Thursday, March 15, 2012

Progress on the Grants!

Constantine now has $70 in his grant. He's benefitting from astronomical financial support compared to what he had only a few months ago.

And adorable John Mark's grant is approaching the $500 mark.

I'm still working on fundraising ideas. I haven't really come up with anything viable yet. I hate to waste time, yet I don't want to waste said time or effort on a fundraiser that won't be successful, or bother people and burn them out on my concept with something that isn't that effective. So I'm still watching and waiting, collecting ideas for something that will really work. And that I'll really be able to pull off. Suggestions are more than welcome.

Both Constantine and John Mark are still young and have some time before facing imminent institutionalization. But they'll be four years old and facing a life in a room full of other bedridden children if something isn't done soon. My understanding is that many children with CP or paralysis, like Constantine, are restrained so as not to cause too much trouble for the already-overextended orphanage staff.

If neither Constantine nor John Mark speaks to you right now, consider helping the Jenks family. They're adopting two DS babies and have a sizable grant, but they need more money - and lots of it - by the end of March to pay for their facilitator (the person who makes the adoption process come together). They still have a long way to go for their fundraising. These two babies already have bedrooms waiting for them. You can follow their story here.

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